McDonald Improvisation


 So you’re probably familiar with this tune…


McDonald’s commercial jingle is known to almost every human being in existence, children and adults. But did you know that this jingle is composed based off the pentatonic scale?

The Pentatonic Scale is a 5 note scale based on the major scale, and is made up of the scale degree number 1-2-3-5-6 (e.g. in C major, it would be C-D-E-G-A).

Here’s how to play the McDonald Jingle with the Pentatonic Scale…

Scale degree: 1-2-3-6-5

Or in C major, it would be: C-D-E-A-G

You could even play it with only the black keys: Gb-Ab-Bb-Eb-Db.

As we know, the pentatonic scale is known for it’s improvisation capability, so why not take this opportunity and use this jingle to create a improv activity for our students?


In this video, I used the chord progression which Pachelbel Canon in D is based on - except transposed to C major, but you could explore this exercise with other chord progressions as well.

Once your student has gotten the hang of playing the jingle with your accompaniment or backing track, get them to throw in and improvise their own melody into the music. They can continue using the pentatonic scale (the same 5 notes as the jingle), or if you’re playing in C major, they can explore using all the white notes as well.

Accompaniment in C major

Backing Tracks

Feel free to download and use these backing tracks which I’ve prepared.

C major Backing Track

C major Backing Track (Slow)

Gb major Backing Track (Black Keys)

Gb major Backing Track (Black Keys) (Slow)

Teaching Steps (Summary)

  1. Ask your student if they know the McDonald jingle.

  2. Demonstrate the jingle either in C or Gb major, and have them imitate you.

  3. Accompany them with the teacher duet or backing track

  4. Explore playing the jingle in different octaves

  5. Explore improvising melodies in between each jingle using notes from the:

    1. Gb pentatonic scale (all black notes);

    2. C pentatonic scale (C-D-E-G-A); or

    3. C major scale (all white notes).

  6. Bonus: Teach them the left hand chord progression.

Final Tips

  • There is no need to show your students the sheet music on how to play the McDonald jingle, just demonstrate it to them.

  • It’s ok if they cannot get the rhythm of the jingle perfect when playing with the backing tracks, focus on the improvisation nature of this exercise.

Happy improvising!